

Awareness is more than just an idea; it’s a tangible experience. With awareness comes the obligation to be fully in the present moment. By embracing our evolving consciousness and connecting with the Light, we find purpose and meaning. We are active participants in all of our interactions.



Creativity leads us on a path toward our own center of being. We all have within our being a creative state we can draw on to lead us to inspiration. Inspiration is a place where we hear the quiet, calm voice that is our own True Nature, communicating with Oneness.

Balanced and Centered

Balanced and Centered

On the Contemplative Living Podcast, we delved into “Balance and Centering,” emphasizing the importance of approaching actions with harmony and love. Centering ourselves brings clarity and presence, allowing us to navigate life’s challenges with intention. Love and awareness of balance enable us to create positive global ripples, fostering peace and connectedness.