
On this week’s Contemplative Living Podcast, we look at “Creativity.” Creativity leads us on a path toward our own center of being. We all have within our being a creative state we can draw on to lead us to inspiration. Inspiration is a place where we hear the quiet, calm voice that is our own True Nature, communicating with Oneness. We naturally begin to relax when we work with any creative endeavor we enjoy. In a relaxed state of being, we focus our awareness on more than what we are creating. The creative process can take us to new levels of experience. Creative power accesses the Divine Love that exists within our higher consciousness.

Creativity leads us on a path toward our own center of being.

Creativity is a journey that propels us towards our true nature, leading us to discover the core of who we are. When we engage in acts of creativity, whether it be through painting, writing, dancing, or any other form of expression, we tap into a wellspring of inspiration that flows from deep within us.

As we immerse ourselves in the creative process, we shed layers of conditioning and expectations to reveal our authentic selves. Through this self-expression, we connect with our innermost thoughts and emotions, allowing them to manifest.

Each brushstroke on a canvas or word written on a page unravels another piece of ourselves, guiding us closer to our own center of being. Through creativity, we uncover hidden talents and passions that may have been dormant within us, waiting for the opportunity to blossom.

Ultimately, by embracing creativity in all its forms, we embark on an enriching journey toward self-discovery and personal growth.

Inspiration is a place where we hear the quiet, calm voice that is our own True Nature, communicating with Oneness.

In the depths of our being lies a stillness that speaks volumes, guiding us towards our true essence. Inspiration acts as a bridge to this inner sanctuary, allowing us to connect with Oneness and unearth the wisdom that resides within us.

When we tune in to this quiet, calm voice, we are greeted with the gentle whispers of our True Nature. It is here that we find clarity, purpose, and direction. Our creativity flows effortlessly from this sacred space, drawing upon the infinite well of knowledge and creativity that exists within each one of us.

As we embrace inspiration as a portal to our authentic selves, we begin to realize the power and beauty that comes from aligning with Oneness. We see ourselves not as separate entities but as interconnected threads.

In a relaxed state, we focus our awareness on more than what we are creating.

As the mind settles into a peaceful rhythm, new insights and connections begin to emerge effortlessly. It is in this space of tranquility that our creativity flourishes, stretching beyond the boundaries of what we thought possible.

When we let go of the need to control every detail and instead surrender to the flow of inspiration, magic happens. Ideas come pouring in from unexpected places, sparking our imagination and guiding us towards innovative solutions.

Creativity thrives when we allow ourselves to embrace this state of relaxation and openness. By quieting the noise around us and tuning into our inner wisdom, we tap into a wellspring of limitless potential waiting to be unleashed.

Creativity accesses the Divine Love that exists within our higher consciousness.

Creativity is not just about creating art or music; it is about tapping into the infinite well of love and wisdom that resides within each of us. When we allow ourselves to be channels for this divine energy, our creations become imbued with a sense of beauty and truth that transcends the limitations of our physical world.

It is through creativity that we are able to connect to the higher consciousness that exists beyond our limited understanding. By allowing ourselves to surrender to the flow of inspiration, we can access a deeper level of awareness and insight that guides us toward expressing our true selves.

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About David Bennett

A public speaker, author, energetic healer, and woodworker. Many appearances on radio and television, including The Story of God with Morgan Freeman, Dr. Oz, Angels Among Us, NBC national news, and PBS. Articles in numerous magazines, blogs, and papers.

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