Gratitude Prayer Meditation
Gratitude is a pure form of communication that sets aside our ego-mind and connects with our hearts. Gratitude is a way to call the divine & prayer creates balance in our Being.
Here is the Gratitude Prayer I use daily when I first rise in the morning before my feet touch the floor. I made this using my experiences with my native american teacher and some native grandmothers that sort of adopted me when I was a teen. So It has a solid native flavor.
I chose aspects that I found beneficial in my spiritual journey. You can replace any or all of the subjects I’m going to call into focus with what you need or what works your you.
I use the directions to bring in different features that you can explore as we go along. Please give thanks for all these facets that are within us.
Get comfortable and feel your feet on the floor. Start with some Deep Healing Breaths. Take time with these breaths to follow your breath as you breathe in and breathe out. Feel your lungs fill and empty with the cleansing element of wind.
Close your eyes. Continue focusing on your breath and allow your thoughts to flow away with each breath. Notice how your breath relaxes and softens as your thoughts dissolve away.
Begin the prayer by saying this to yourself
West (Wiyopeyata)
The color is Black. The west represents the beginning and the end. The sun sets in the west and reminds us To give thanks for our Connection to Spirit. All things in this world have a beginning, and all things come to an end. It reminds us of our sacred circle. Everything can be viewed in a circle; our lives, families, communities, and the world are all circles within circles. For this, we give thanks…
North (Waziya)
The color is White. The North represents the winter times when we have time for introspection, and through that inward journey, we put together our medicine bundles. We will use the bundles of energy to help us in our daily interactions. Introspection allows us to find Acceptance of ourselves. For this, we give thanks…
East (Wiyoheyapa)
The color is Red. We find the Good Red Road in the east as the sun returns and illuminates our obstacles so we may see them clearly. With a clear vision, we can Accept this moment and realize we can work for change. For this, we give thanks…
South (Itokaga)
The color is Yellow. The sun and the corn are yellow and remind us of the bounty in our lives. With Abundance, we learn to share, Share our connection to Spirit and our experiences, so others may grow and learn. For this, we give thanks…
Father Sky – (Wi yo Ah Tae)
Grandfather sun and grandmother moon live in the sky. Grandmother shows us our daily responsibilities and weaves our stories. The four winds move with grandfather sun and father sky. We breathe in the winds, and this becomes our breath and exhale our truth upon the winds, so our truth is known. For this, we give thanks…
Mother Earth – (E Nam A Ca)
All life comes from the mother, and all life returns to her. We learn to walk upon her with Respect. Respect for how we live and act in this life, Respect for how we treat each other, Respect for all living things. For this, we give thanks…
Balance is Key, so we give thanks for what we perceive as good and bad; they are all growth opportunities. Take a few seconds to give thanks for where you are in your life… Knowing life is ever-moving forward, you can create empowered, positive change.
Start to bring your awareness back to the present and your body. Feel your feet on the floor, & wiggle your fingers. Open your eyes when you are ready. Keep gratitude in your heart as you go about your day.
I wish you Infinite Love and Wisdom ~ Ho.
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