Helpful Steps for Shifting Energies
Let’s keep it a little down-to-earth in this post. Especially with all the unrest in the world socially, economically, and in nature. We can always use some helpful steps.
I’ve been speaking a lot this past year about consciousness transformation and awakening. Before any significant change, there is always unrest. Whether it is an internal personal struggle or public confrontation. Right now we are on the leading edge of global change, can you feel the shifts in energy? They are incredibly powerful at this time and coming in rapid succession.
Here Are My Helpful Steps for Shifting Energies
First, Maintain Our Peace Of Being and continue being adaptive in these fluctuating and erratic times. It is now more important than ever to have a daily reflective time set aside for yourself. Especially, included in that time should be a period of silence. When life is coming at you so quickly and in so many directions at once, we need a firm foundation within our being. How can we accomplish this without checking in with our true nature and allowing that sense of peace and love to permeate our being? So, let us develop deep self-awareness and stay in touch with our breath of life. (see Energy Breath Visualization )
Next, May I recommend using prayer, visualization, or intention while we are using the time we have set aside for ourselves. Let us transmit our peace and love toward the global unrest, asking for peaceful and respectful outcomes that honor basic human rights. When we do this we are tapping into the universal consciousness and adding a loving vibration to help stabilize the turmoil. When enough of us add our love to the collective whole IT WILL AFFECT CHANGE. As we keep this in our hearts we as individuals act and live more congruently with our spiritual center.
Step Three Is Commitment. After all, it takes us.. all of us to eventually bring about the necessary change in the world, it requires our action. Within everyone is an ability or strength and we need to apply and share our loving abilities.
I wish you Infinite Love and Wisdom ~ Peace