Perseverance Through Our Spiritual Practice

Virya, – meaning “energy” or “diligence,” develops discipline and perseverance through our sustained practice.

This week on the Contemplative Living Podcast, we explore Perseverance Through Our Spiritual Practice. Adaptability is one of the most important traits for spiritual growth; over time, our practice develops into something deeper and more meaningful. We cultivate steadiness and consistency in our lives through our practice—and this requires effort, energy, diligence, and enthusiasm. Each moment of dedication pulls us closer to the truth we seek; by nurturing good mental states within our minds and eradicating negative ones, we can form a better understanding of suffering’s origin.

As we grow and evolve over the years, so too does our spiritual practice.

Just like a delicate flower that blooms into its fullest beauty, our souls are constantly expanding and seeking new paths toward enlightenment. Our spiritual journey is not a stagnant entity but rather an ever-changing tapestry woven by the threads of experience, wisdom, and introspection.

With each passing year, we find ourselves shedding old beliefs and embracing new ones, unearthing hidden depths within ourselves that we didn’t even know existed. Our understanding of spirituality deepens as we encounter life’s triumphs and tribulations, forging resilience in the face of adversity.

In this perpetual dance between growth and evolution lies the true essence of perseverance through our spiritual practice. It is not about reaching a final destination or attaining perfection; rather, it is about embracing the constant flux of existence while remaining steadfast in our commitment to self-discovery.

As time unfolds like pages in a cosmic novel, I hope we can approach our spiritual practice with open hearts and curious minds. Let’s remain receptive to the lessons whispered by ancient traditions while also exploring uncharted territories guided by our intuition.

In this delicate balance between tradition and innovation, the seeds of transformation take root – nourished by curiosity, watered by love, and nurtured by acceptance. Let’s continue on this awe-inspiring journey as we grow alongside our evolving spiritual practices — forever reaching for higher planes of consciousness without losing sight of where we came from or where we are headed.

Effort, energy, diligence, and enthusiasm are needed in our daily practice.

Effort, energy, diligence, and enthusiasm are the four pillars that hold up the foundation of our daily spiritual practice. Just as a strong building requires sturdy support beams to withstand external forces, our journey toward self-discovery and growth demands these qualities.

  • Effort is the driving force behind progress. It fuels our determination and pushes us forward when faced with challenges. Without effort, we risk becoming stagnant in our development and settling for mediocrity.
  • Energy complements effort by providing the necessary fuel for sustained action. It is through cultivating positive energy that we can maintain focus and resilience amidst distractions or obstacles along the way.
  • Diligence refers to consistent dedication to our practice—showing up day after day without faltering. It involves a commitment to mastering new skills or deepening existing ones.
  • Lastly, enthusiasm acts as a catalyst igniting passion within us for what we do each day on this spiritual journey. It infuses joy into routine activities and elevates them from mere obligations into meaningful experiences infused with purposeful intent.

Incorporating effort, energy, diligence, and enthusiasm into our daily lives sets the stage.

No moment is wasted on the path. The truth we’re after is found in the middle of living.

We often find ourselves fixated on reaching a specific destination or achieving certain goals, believing that only then will we uncover profound truths about ourselves and our purpose. But what if I told you that these moments of striving are not where enlightenment lies?

The true essence of our spiritual journey resides within the very fabric of everyday existence – in those seemingly insignificant moments that hold whispers of wisdom. It’s easy to overlook the power they possess; after all, it’s during extraordinary events or transformative experiences that we anticipate finding answers.

When we embrace each step along our path with presence and awareness, we become attuned to life’s subtle teachings. Whether it’s savoring the warmth of morning sunlight streaming through your window or finding solace in a heartfelt conversation with a friend – these simple instances carry immeasurable significance.

In this vast web of living life, no moment passes without purpose. Every encounter holds an opportunity for growth and understanding if only we open ourselves up to receive its teachings.


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Perseverance Through Our Spiritual Practice

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About David Bennett

A public speaker, author, energetic healer, and woodworker. Many appearances on radio and television, including The Story of God with Morgan Freeman, Dr. Oz, Angels Among Us, NBC national news, and PBS. Articles in numerous magazines, blogs, and papers.

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