Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay
Cleaning Up
We have been doing some cleanup around our home. All this cleaning takes me back to a time when I was at a point of great spiritual growth. Friends and I made a trip to my spiritual mentor’s home in Virginia, but she didn’t know we were coming.
Margaret Kean was one of my NDE mentors, and I’d like to share a tidbit of what she showed me. Here is an excerpt from our book “Voyage of Purpose“.
Margaret lovingly and graciously invited us into her home, though with an odd look. Little did we know at that moment that she had just asked the universe for some help and received instant confirmation from Spirit, with us ringing the doorbell.
Margaret headed a healing missionary in Swaziland, Africa. She and her assistant, Libby, spent eight months, or more, of the year bringing medicines and healing to the poor in Africa. Margaret and her husband, Len, had decided to sell the retreat center to allow her more time in Africa. Libby was away drumming up financial support for their upcoming mission work. Hearing all this, William and I immediately offered to help get things ready to sell the property; in exchange, Margaret offered guidance, sharing, and her company.
One of the many tasks we tackled was cleaning the stone floor in the front foyer. William and I got down on our hands and knees to scrub it clean. While we were in the process, Margaret walked by and, in passing, bestowed a gem of wisdom that stays with me to this day: “How you approach cleaning is the very same way you approach your spirituality.”
Some people clean by starting at one end and working systematically and thoroughly. Others have a scattered approach and hit spots here and there. There is no wrong or right way, only the way we choose. Whatever your cleaning style is, it is more than likely that it is going to be the same method you approach your spirituality. There is no wrong or right way, it is just your process. Trained as an engineer, I do things systematically. Mindfulness works well with a systematic approach, and my cleaning habits reflect that. Margaret’s words not only affirmed my approach to spirituality, but it also made me realize that you can use cleaning to focus and reflect on your spiritual practice…
Spiritual Housecleaning
From time to time, those words return to me, and I reflect on them. It’s important to occasionally perform a little housecleaning to shake the dust off and freshen up our spiritual practice. For me, that is returning to what started me down the road of spirituality, my NDE. For others, it may be connecting and experiencing the joy, beauty, creativity, and healing of living on Mother Earth. Whatever it is, return to the root of your practice and revive it so it may again shine in your heart, bringing revived vigor and inspiration.
Use your style to approach and infuse your practice with the original loving intention that created your practice. Clean the glass, so to speak, and as we shine things up, the light will be able to clearly illuminate our future. There is no wrong or right way, but make sure to utilize “your” process to keep it on track.
Why Is Spiritual Cleanliness Important?
This question has lingered in the minds of many seekers throughout history. While it may seem intangible and elusive, spiritual cleanliness holds a profound significance in our lives.
In the vast tapestry of existence, we are not just physical beings but also embody a sacred essence within us. It is this divine spark that connects us to something greater than ourselves – an unseen realm permeated with energy and consciousness. Just as we clean our bodies to maintain hygiene, so must we cleanse our spirits to preserve their purity.
Spiritual cleanliness acts as a compass for navigating life’s journey. When our inner being resonates with clarity and harmony, it allows us to harmonize with the universe around us. It opens doors to deeper self-awareness, heightened intuition, and enhanced connection with others. Through purification practices like meditation, prayer, or ritualistic ceremonies, individuals can release negative energies that hinder personal growth.
Furthermore, spiritual cleansing helps dispel stagnant thoughts and emotions that cloud our perception of reality. By purging these veils from our souls, we gain access to new perspectives and expanded consciousness. This newfound clarity enables us to navigate challenges more effectively while cultivating resilience on all levels – be it mental or emotional.
Ultimately, embracing spiritual cleanliness empowers individuals’ ability to lead purposeful lives filled with love and compassion. The quest for inner purity becomes an ongoing journey rather than a destination unto itself – one where each step forward brings deeper understanding yet leaves room for further exploration into the realms of spirituality.
Simple Ways To Detox Your Mind, Body, and Soul.
Welcome to a rejuvenating journey of spiritual cleaning! In this blog section, we will explore simple yet powerful ways to detox your mind, body, and soul. Just as we clean our physical spaces to create harmony, it is equally important to cleanse our inner realms for overall well-being.
Let’s begin with the mind: find solace in daily meditation or mindfulness practices. Allow yourself moments of silence amidst life’s chaos; witness thoughts passing by without judgment. Embrace gratitude and positive affirmations that cultivate a serene mental landscape.
Moving on to the body: nourish yourself from within. Choose whole foods bursting with vitality while savoring each bite mindfully. Engage in gentle exercise or yoga flows that not only strengthen your physical being but also invigorate your spirit. Remember, self-care is an act of self-love!
Lastly, let’s dive into soulful cleansing: reconnect with nature’s wonders through walks in lush forests or barefoot strolls along sandy shores. Immerse yourself in art or music that resonates deeply within you and ignites your creative spark. Seek meaningful connections with loved ones and engage in acts of kindness towards others.
By incorporating these simple techniques into your routine regularly, you embark on a transformative journey towards holistic wellness—a nurturing balance between mind, body, and soul can lead us closer to living authentically and embracing the beauty of each present moment.

Along your way, you may find that others may have a parallel path
Image by Ptra from Pixabay
Parallel Practice
Joseph Campbell once said, “I have a theory that if you are on your own path, things are going to come to you. Since it’s your own path, and no one has ever been on it before, there’s no precedent, so everything that happens is a surprise and is timely.”
As we embark on our spiritual journey, we often find ourselves seeking a path that resonates with our innermost being. This quest for enlightenment takes us through various twists and turns, sometimes leading us to unexpected destinations. Amidst this labyrinth of choices lies the concept of parallel paths.
Just as in life, where no two individuals walk the exact same route, spirituality also offers us diverse avenues to explore. Each path holds its own unique set of teachings and practices that speak to different aspects of our souls. Parallel paths allow us to embrace multiple perspectives simultaneously, weaving together a beautiful tapestry of wisdom and understanding.
Along your path, you may find that others may have a parallel path or may intersect yours from time to time. Enjoy their assistance and friendship. Embrace your own path and your own practice; allow it to propel you into a future of positive potential.
In our spiritual cleaning, we let go of past hurts and pleasantness because they weigh us down on the journey. We let go and live in wonder of this moment, always looking forward to the next, forever keeping our light clean and bright. The time has come. Enjoy your cleaning.
Return to the root of your practice and revive it so it may again shine in your heart, bringing revived vigor and inspiration. -David Bennett
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