Spiritual Guidance

This week on the Contemplative Living Podcast, we delve into the topic of “Spiritual Guidance.” The unknown can feel like navigating uncharted seas without a map, relying solely on your inner compass. To truly understand yourself, you must face the unknown with courage and cultivate your spiritual guidance. Acknowledge the divinity within you, free from any distractions or opponents. Allow your mind to listen to your awakened heart. Find strength and sensitivity in moments of stillness so that the world’s suffering does not drain you. Divine guidance has already laid a strong foundation and awaits your involvement. With every twist and turn on your journey, you will discover Spirit patiently supporting and offering direction.

The unknown is like going into uncharted seas with no chart and only your inner guidance.

As we navigate through life, we are often faced with the unknown – a vast expanse of uncertainty that stretches out before us like uncharted seas. We may feel lost and adrift, unsure of which direction to take or what lies ahead.

But just as sailors once relied on their guidance to navigate the uncharted waters, so too can we trust in our own intuition and spiritual guidance to lead us through our unknown. It is during these times of uncertainty that our inner wisdom shines brightest, guiding us towards new possibilities and opportunities for growth.

Embracing the unknown can be both exhilarating and terrifying, but it is in these moments that we discover our true strength and resilience. With faith in ourselves and trust in the universe, we can set sail into uncharted seas. Knowing that we have all the tools we need within us to navigate whatever challenges may come our way.

Salute the Divinity within — where there is no adversary to distract you.

By acknowledging and honoring the divinity that resides within each one of us, we can cultivate a sense of peace, love, and harmony. When we focus on this innate goodness within us, there is no room for negativity or external distractions to sway us off course.

It is in this sacred space of inner connection that we find true guidance and clarity. The whispers of our soul become louder than the noise of the world around us, guiding us towards our purpose and truth. By honoring the divinity within ourselves, we invite more light into our lives and radiate that light outwards for others to see.

Give your mind permission to hear your awakened heart.

Thinking through a situation is helpful, but feeling your way with your heart is more encompassing, bringing together what you know in your mind with knowings beyond your physical self. 

Build your strength and sensitivity in stillness so the world’s pain doesn’t wear you down.

Remember, inner strength and sensitivity are not mutually exclusive. In fact, they work in harmony to create a powerful force for good.

By cultivating stillness through practices such as meditation or mindfulness, we can build a solid foundation of resilience. A foundation that enables us to navigate the challenges of life with grace and poise. This sense of stability allows us to approach difficult situations from a place of calm understanding rather than reactive emotion.

At the same time, developing our sensitivity enables us to connect more deeply with others. Empathize with their pain without taking on their burdens as our own. By finding a balance between strength and sensitivity in stillness, we can become beacons of light in a dark world. Offering compassion and support where it is needed most.

Around every twist and turn of your path, you will find Spirit patiently waiting to assist and give guidance.

It may not always be obvious or overt, but if you listen closely, you can feel its presence guiding you in the right direction.

Sometimes, Spirit manifests in the form of a gut feeling or intuition nudging you towards a certain decision. Other times, it may appear as signs and synchronicities that reaffirm you are on the right track. No matter how it shows up for you, trust that Spirit works behind the scenes to lead you towards your highest good.

So, as you continue on your journey, remember to stay open and receptive to the subtle ways in which Spirit communicates with you. Take time to quiet your mind and tune into the whispers of guidance all around you. Trust in the process and have faith that Spirit has a plan for your life far greater than what meets the eye. Embrace this spiritual support as a comforting presence along every twist and turn of your path.

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Spiritual Guidance

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About David Bennett

A public speaker, author, energetic healer, and woodworker. Many appearances on radio and television, including The Story of God with Morgan Freeman, Dr. Oz, Angels Among Us, NBC national news, and PBS. Articles in numerous magazines, blogs, and papers.

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