Time for seekers to receive

Our Contemplative Living Podcast this week explores “Time for seekers to receive.” We are constantly searching for that which will bring us back to ourselves and make us alive within the present. Our longing for knowledge and discovery is unceasing. It is through stillness and relinquishment of our sense of lack that we release everything – there is nothing to be changed or controlled in such moments. Practice and achievement become one, disregarding traditional ideas of dualism. We can appreciate the extraordinary while being part of a transitional state filled with change and time.

Our seeking mind is always looking until we come back to ourselves, to what’s alive for us in the moment.

Our seeking mind is a curious creature, constantly yearning for answers, searching for meaning in the vast expanse of existence. It is an insatiable wanderer, always on the lookout for something beyond ourselves.

In our relentless pursuit of knowledge and fulfillment, we often forget to turn inward and listen to what truly resonates with us in the present moment. We get caught up in chasing after external validation or societal expectations, losing touch with our own desires and passions along the way.

But there comes a time when we must pause amidst this ceaseless quest and reconnect with ourselves – that place where life pulsates within us. It’s like finding a hidden oasis within the desert of endless seeking – an oasis brimming with authenticity, raw emotions, and untamed dreams.

When we return to what’s alive for us in the moment, it’s as if everything falls into place. The noise fades away, replaced by a gentle whisper guiding us towards our true path. In this sacred space of self-discovery lies immense potential waiting to be unleashed.

Explore different perspectives and soak up experiences like a sponge thirsty for knowledge. But remember to return home occasionally – not as someone who has found all the answers but rather as someone who embraces uncertainty and revels in embracing new possibilities.

Ultimately, it is through this continuous dance between exploration and introspection that seekers truly receive – receiving wisdom from their journey while remaining open to whatever awaits them next.

Simply sitting, releasing all measures of lack, and desiring nothing but sitting.

We are constantly striving and chasing after success. It may seem counterintuitive to advocate for a moment of pure stillness. Yet, within the art of simply being lies an opportunity for seekers to receive profound revelations.

Picture this: you find yourself in a serene spot surrounded by nature’s gentle whispers. No distractions or obligations tugging at your attention; just you and the present moment. As you settle into your seat, something magical happens – the weight of expectations lifts from your weary shoulders. In this space devoid of lack, where contentment reigns supreme, your mind begins unraveling its secrets.

By relinquishing the shackles that bind us to desires that distract us from what truly matters – inner growth – we open ourselves up to infinite possibilities. It is through these moments of intentional non-action that clarity dawns upon us like a sunrise painting the sky in hues never before witnessed.

As time ticks on unnoticed, while we sit lost in thought, or drifting through serenity itself, answers may emerge from unexpected depths within our souls. The universe conspires to whisper forgotten truths directly into our receptive hearts when we surrender control over outcomes.

Let’s – let go of ambition’s relentless pursuit and embrace stillness as your silent companion on this journey called life. Seek solace not in busyness but in quiet reflection; therein lies the key to unlocking hidden treasures awaiting discovery by those willing.

Break through conventional thinking that is confined by the barrier of dualism.

What if we recognized that reality exists on a continuum rather than within fixed boundaries? By breaking free from the confines of dualism, seekers have an opportunity to explore uncharted territories and discover profound truths hidden beneath superficial dichotomies.

By transcending dualistic thinking, seekers can unlock newfound insights about themselves and their place in the universe. They can become conduits for unity instead of division—bridging gaps between cultures, religions, philosophies—and fostering harmony in a fragmented world.

The journey begins with questioning preconceived notions and embracing paradoxes as gateways to enlightenment. Let us venture beyond limiting binaries; only then will seekers truly receive what they seek – a boundless realm where answers are not finite but ever-evolving mysteries awaiting exploration.

Watch this episode of Contemplative Living on Youtube.

Time for seekers to receive

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About David Bennett

A public speaker, author, energetic healer, and woodworker. Many appearances on radio and television, including The Story of God with Morgan Freeman, Dr. Oz, Angels Among Us, NBC national news, and PBS. Articles in numerous magazines, blogs, and papers.

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