Imagine A Time Of Awakening

In our boundless existence, we’ve experienced many transformations. Before we had a body, a higher consciousness, and a light body, before this expanding universe, we emerged from the mystery. First, with higher consciousness and a light body, then in this physical form. We are now connecting with our oneness, and eventually, we will return to pure consciousness.

Imagine a time of awakening, where truth, respect, integrity, and love are the rule. Naturally, we do what is right and balanced without the need to think about it. We simply flow with the universal consciousness.

We are at the cusp of that time. It is a time when we can no longer deny the reality of our situation. We can no longer ignore the signs that something is very wrong. We can no longer continue to live in a state of denial and complacency. Face the hard truth that our world is in crisis. It is time to accept that we each have a responsibility to do something about it. It’s time to take action. The time of awakening is a time of hope. It is a time when we can come together and create positive change.

Humanity is on the verge of a great time of awakening, and we are the generation that will see it happen. It is time for us to come together and create the world we know is possible. The signs are all around us that something big is about to happen.

More and more people are feeling called to make a difference in the world. We are seeing a rise in consciousness and an awakening to our true potential. It is time for us to step into our power and create the world we know is possible. A world of love, abundance, and harmony. A world where we all work together for the good of all. This is our time.  Increasingly people are connecting to their True Being and beginning the transformation of a consciousness process.

Creation of Adam

Experienced The Interconnection Of All Beings

One Night I Had This Dream.

Giving a sermon in this vast chapel. I had no shoes and was sliding up and down the sanctuary in my socks as I gave a very passionate service. I was guiding the congregation to touch the god within them. As I was instructing them, I directed their gaze toward the ceiling. We experienced the interconnection of all beings.

The ceiling had a remarkable painting with the entire universe, and Michelangelo’s scenes of Genesis from the Sistine Chapel overlapped transparently over the universe. The image of “Creation of Adam,” where God is reaching out to touch Adam was aglow with the universe shining through. While the congregation and I were viewing this, we had our spiritual connection to our higher consciousness. We then experienced the interconnection with all beings.

That dream illustrates the sense that God dwells in all; through our spiritual connection, we are opening to a sacred dimension of reality. The sad thing is that we have known this has been coming for centuries. Bodhi is a Sanskrit word that frequently translates to “awakening” or “to know.” As more are connecting to our individual fragments of sacred oneness, we are beginning to recall or to know.

One Knowing We Have

We need to heal the deep energetic wounds that create discord and hate in the world. Only through awakened unity may we begin to create a lasting harmony that will balm the scars and allow healing. When we begin to create a lasting harmony within ourselves, we are also opening the door to creating harmony with others.

Through this inner peace, we can come to a place of true understanding and compassion for others. We can no longer remain in a state of conflict and disharmony when we have experienced the beauty of living in harmony. It is important to remember that we are all connected, and what affects one person affects us all.

When we make a choice to live in harmony, we are making a positive impact on the world around us. We are setting an example of what is possible when we come together in peace and love.

Flowing with the universal consciousness
Flowing with the universal consciousness

There is much to do in a time of awakening, and we are all needed to move forward. We must develop ourselves to live balanced lives with Spirit and Self. In that awakened state, we can maintain steady resonances of love and compassion that tap into the earth’s natural frequencies.

Imagine spending a few minutes a day focusing on your service to the world. Then going about your day with a calm center of being. Flowing with the universal consciousness. Fortunately, we are moving toward that time of awakening, even though it may be hard to see.

Create a new intention, of a life of Harmony – David Bennett

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About David Bennett

A public speaker, author, energetic healer, and woodworker. Many appearances on radio and television, including The Story of God with Morgan Freeman, Dr. Oz, Angels Among Us, NBC national news, and PBS. Articles in numerous magazines, blogs, and papers.

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