Gain liberating insights into the true nature of hardship and joy. Both hardship and happiness are of an organic nature, which means they are both always changing.
Hardship and Happiness

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Contemplative Living is our weekly live blog on YouTube.
Gain liberating insights into the true nature of hardship and joy. Both hardship and happiness are of an organic nature, which means they are both always changing.
Pausing helps us cultivate the power to stop incessant thinking and create space before responding. Step Back, Clear Your Mind, and View Absolute Reality.
Our life is a journey down a long path that extends infinitely into the future. Through perseverance, we experience the textures of our path and everything surrounding us at this moment.
A meditator begins by eliminating the unwholesome mental states obstructing inner calm to attain concentration. Right Concentration is the most straightforward and practical means of temporarily dispelling the repetitive thoughts of the everyday mind. Practice “right concentration” not to experience blissful states but to help us consider uncertainty.
Right mindfulness is to be diligently aware, mindful, and attentive with regard to physical activities, feelings, pursuits of the mind, and ideas. Remain independent, not clinging to anything in the world. Make yourself fully alert when walking, standing, sitting, talking, and remaining silent.