Cultivate Awe

This week’s Contemplative Living Podcast explores ways to Cultivate Awe. A meaningful facet to our spiritual journey, awe is a powerful emotion that triggers prosocial behavior and can be accessed through appreciation of beauty. There is a magnificence to the world such that it can be conceptualized in any number of ways; try and let yourself recognize this complexity and allow it to fill you with wonder. By recognizing the wonders present all around us, we become humble and engaged in understanding reality. Don’t overlook the practicality of cultivating awe – be thankful for even the spontaneous, as their presence will eventually bring about deeper growth within your practice.

Awe Provides A Critical Function On Our Spiritual Path

When we choose to live our lives with intention, we are choosing to walk a spiritual path. This path is not about religion or dogma but rather about a relationship with the divine. It is a path of self-discovery and growth where we learn to align our lives with our highest values. The spiritual path is not an easy one, but it is incredibly rewarding. It requires us to let go of our egoic tendencies and open ourselves up to new ways of thinking and being.

It challenges us to question our assumptions and deeply held beliefs. And it invites us to cultivate awe, wonder, and reverence for all of life. When we commit to walking the spiritual path, we are saying yes to a life of adventure and discovery. We are opening ourselves up to new possibilities and new ways of seeing the world. We are choosing to live with intention and purpose. And we are setting out on a journey that will transform us in ways we could never have imagined.

Recognize The Practical Nature Of Awe

We often think of awe as something that happens to us when we see something truly breathtaking. However, awe can also be cultivated – and doing so may have some practical benefits. Awe is associated with a sense of vastness and wonderment. When we experience awe, we may feel small and insignificant in comparison to the grandeur of the world around us. This can be a humbling experience, but one that can also leave us feeling more connected to others and the world at large.  

Awe is often described as a feeling of reverence or admiration, but it can also be experienced as a practical emotion. In many ways, awe is the opposite of anxiety; while anxiety is characterized by feelings of uncertainty and doubt, awe is associated with feelings of certainty and clarity. Awe can be a powerful motivator; it has been shown to increase productivity, creativity, and focus.

Additionally, awe has been linked to improved physical health and well-being. One study found that participants who reported experiencing awe more frequently had lower levels of inflammatory markers in their blood. While some may view awe as a purely emotional response, there is evidence to suggest that it also has a practical side. Awe can help us to see the world in new ways, and to find meaning in our everyday experiences.

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Cultivate Awe

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About David Bennett

A public speaker, author, energetic healer, and woodworker. Many appearances on radio and television, including The Story of God with Morgan Freeman, Dr. Oz, Angels Among Us, NBC national news, and PBS. Articles in numerous magazines, blogs, and papers.

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