Freedom To Be We

 In this week’s Contemplative Living Podcast, we explore the concept of our “Freedom to be We.” Our hearts yearn for the truth that liberates our individual self into a collective “we.” When we lose our identification with our role and persona, we are exposed to the authentic truth. Release the sense of self, and find our intrinsic interconnected knowing. We can be like a perfectly formed diamond, each facet complimenting the beauty of the whole. All moments are equally precious, showing up for ordinary moments of our lives. Freedom is never diminished. No boundary is drawn to separate Me from We. We are connected to the Source of Oneness that holds every truth.

When we lose our identification with our role and persona, it leaves us exposed to the truth.

The masks we wear can fall away, revealing the raw essence of who we truly are beneath it all.

In this vulnerable state of self-discovery, we come face-to-face with truths that have long been buried deep within ourselves. We confront our fears, insecurities, and hidden desires head-on. It is a process of unearthing the layers that have built up over time – peeling back the protective armor we constructed to shield ourselves from judgment and rejection.

As these walls crumble, a newfound freedom emerges. We begin to connect with others on a deeper level – not through superficial roles or personas but as authentic beings sharing in the human experience together. Our interactions become genuine and meaningful because they stem from a place of truth rather than an image we feel compelled to uphold.

We can be like a perfectly formed diamond, each facet complimenting the beauty of the whole.

Just think about it for a moment – when you hold a diamond up to the light, its brilliance is unparalleled. It captures and reflects every ray, creating an intricate dance of colors that captivates the eye. Similar to this dazzling gemstone, our collective potential lies within our ability to embrace both individuality and unity.

In today’s world, we often find ourselves caught in a web of divisiveness. We’re taught from an early age to stand out from the crowd, to prioritize personal success over communal harmony. 

But what if we were to shift our perspective? What if we recognized that by embracing our unique qualities while also valuing collaboration and empathy, we could create something extraordinary?

Imagine a society where each person’s strengths are celebrated rather than threatened; where diversity is not just tolerated but cherished for enriching us all. Each one of us possesses talents waiting to be discovered – skills that can inspire others or bridge divides between seemingly disparate groups.

We all, each and every one of us, are a part of the greatest Truth, that we are connected to the Source of Oneness that holds every truth. We radiate our unique expression.

Think about it – every breath you take is shared with countless beings: humans, animals, and plants alike. Every action you take reverberates through the intricate web of life that spans across this planet. Whether we realize it or not, our thoughts, emotions, and intentions have far-reaching implications beyond our immediate sphere.

We are all threads woven together in the fabric of reality – each one unique yet inseparable from the whole. This eternal dance between individuality and unity defines who we truly are as human beings. Our experiences may differ vastly on the surface level; however, beneath it all lies a common thread connecting us all – LOVE.

When we embrace this profound truth, liberate our individual selves, and find our “Freedom To Be We,” magic happens. Boundaries dissolve as empathy blossoms within hearts once closed off by fear or indifference. Compassion becomes second nature as we recognize that another’s suffering is inherently linked to ours.

Watch this episode of Contemplative Living on Youtube.

Freedom to be We

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About David Bennett

A public speaker, author, energetic healer, and woodworker. Many appearances on radio and television, including The Story of God with Morgan Freeman, Dr. Oz, Angels Among Us, NBC national news, and PBS. Articles in numerous magazines, blogs, and papers.

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