Stepping Outside Our Patterns

On this week’s episode of the Contemplative Living Podcast, we explore the concept of “Stepping Outside Our Patterns.” By breaking away from repetitive cycles that cause suffering, we open ourselves up to new possibilities. With awareness and mindfulness, we have the power to choose which patterns we focus on and how we approach them. Through this, we can break free from destructive habits and create healthier ways of responding. It’s about stepping outside of our constructed selves and engaging in a more mindful manner. By acknowledging our past behaviors, we can cultivate positive patterns that promote responsiveness rather than reactivity.

We can walk a different pathway if there’s sufficient awareness.

Our lives are often shaped by the patterns we unwittingly fall into, like walking along a well-worn path in the woods. Familiar and comfortable, these paths guide us through life without much thought or effort. But what if we were to veer off, forging our own trail? What wonders might we discover?

Awareness is the key that unlocks this potential for change. It allows us to recognize the patterns that have become so ingrained in our lives and question their validity. Are these patterns serving us or holding us back? With each step forward, awareness illuminates new possibilities.

Walking a different pathway requires courage—an audacity to challenge convention and embrace uncertainty. It means breaking free from societal expectations and exploring uncharted territory within ourselves. This journey may not always be easy; it may require sacrifice and discomfort as we shed layers of familiarity.

Yet, it is through this process of self-discovery that transformation occurs.

Mindfulness highlights the gift of being able to choose what patterns we attend to and how we attend to them.

We often find ourselves caught up in repetitive patterns that limit our ability to fully experience life’s richness. But what if we could break free from our self-imposed restrictions?

By cultivating mindfulness, we awaken an innate power within us – the power of choice. We become conscious observers rather than passive participants in the unfolding events of our lives. Mindfulness invites us to step outside the automatic pilot mode and embrace each moment with curiosity and openness.

Choosing which patterns we attend to requires a deep understanding of ourselves; it demands that we confront our fears, biases, and preconceived notions head-on. It urges us not only to observe but also to question why certain patterns dominate our attention while others remain unnoticed.

Moreover, mindfulness encourages us to explore how we attend to these patterns- do we bring compassion or judgment? Are there alternative perspectives waiting patiently for their turn under the spotlight? The choices extend beyond just noticing; they encompass actively engaging with different ways of perceiving, feeling, and responding.

I can meet and engage in a way that isn’t determined by my old patterns.

It’s an empowering realization, the kind that awakens dormant possibilities within us. We often find ourselves responding to situations with predictable patterns etched into our psyche.

Stepping outside our patterns is venturing into uncharted territory, where new opportunities for growth await us. It requires a willingness to challenge the familiar and embrace discomfort as a catalyst for change. Open up to fresh perspectives and alternative ways of engaging with the world.

Imagine approaching each interaction or situation without relying on preconceived notions based on previous encounters. Instead of automatically reacting from habit, we become present observers capable of making conscious choices about how we want to respond.

Here lies immense potential for personal development and meaningful connections. We no longer allow ourselves to be dictated by outdated scripts but rather create authentic narratives rooted in who we are now.

By recognizing that we have influence over our actions, thoughts, and emotions, we empower ourselves to rewrite the storylines that govern our lives. Stepping outside our patterns becomes an invitation to explore untapped reservoirs of creativity and resilience lying dormant within us.

Watch this episode of Contemplative Living on Youtube.

Stepping Outside Our Patterns

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About David Bennett

A public speaker, author, energetic healer, and woodworker. Many appearances on radio and television, including The Story of God with Morgan Freeman, Dr. Oz, Angels Among Us, NBC national news, and PBS. Articles in numerous magazines, blogs, and papers.

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