Tips For Contemplation

On this week’s episode of the Contemplative Living Podcast, we explore some “Tips For Contemplation.” In this practice, we engage with our spiritual material and integrate it into our being. When approaching a teaching or theme, ensure that it resonates with you; if not, tweak the language until it does. Delve deeply into its meaning and allow your thoughts to wander freely. Aim for a deeper understanding beyond intellectual comprehension. If you begin to feel disinterested with a contemplation and believe you have grasped it fully, sit with it and meditate on it. This allows your body and subconscious mind to process and digest the reflection. Remember, when you work on a contemplation, it also works on you. As teachings become more advanced, fewer words are needed to convey their depth.

When contemplating a teaching or theme, make sure it resonates with you. If it doesn’t, message the wording until it does.

Imagine sitting in a classroom or attending a workshop where the teachings feel foreign, disconnected from your own truth. Your mind may wander as you struggle to engage with concepts that don’t touch your soul. But when the message aligns harmoniously with your inner being, magic happens. Suddenly, each word becomes an invitation to explore new avenues of thought and emotion.

The resonance we seek is unique for everyone; what inspires one person may leave another untouched. Therefore, take the time to reflect upon why certain themes attract you while others fall flat. Dive into introspection and hone in on what stirs your curiosity or ignites excitement within you.

Remember that life itself is an ever-evolving journey of learning and contemplation.

When you start to get bored with a contemplation and think you understand it thoroughly, sit with it and meditate.

Contemplation is an ever-evolving dance between our thoughts and emotions. Just when we believe we have unraveled every layer, understood every nuance, there it goes again – slipping away like sand through our fingers. And that’s where meditation comes into play; it gently nudges us back on track.

In those moments of apparent comprehension, when the mind craves novelty or diversion, don’t abandon your contemplation just yet. Instead, sit with it even longer… yes, I said longer. Let yourself be absorbed in silence as you delve deeper into the abyss of understanding.

It is within these pockets of stillness that new dimensions reveal themselves—subtle whispers from untapped realms beyond our initial grasp. When boredom knocks at your door during contemplation’s journey towards enlightenment, invite it inside for tea instead of shutting it out entirely.

Brew yourself a cuppa; let your mind wander without restraint while keeping one foot anchored to the object of your contemplation.

If you work on a contemplation, it will start to work on you.

Just as an artist meticulously crafts every brushstroke to create a masterpiece, so too does contemplation allow us to shape ourselves into the best versions of who we are meant to be. It’s an ongoing process where each question posed opens up new avenues for growth and understanding.

Through contemplation, one ventures beyond mere introspection; it becomes a journey toward self-discovery where lessons unfold organically. We enter a realm where ideas collide with emotions—where theories dance with experiences—ultimately leading us closer to authenticity. Let’s embrace the invitation for contemplation wholeheartedly.

The more advanced a teaching gets, the less there is to say.

True wisdom lies in embracing simplicity rather than complexity. What if it is found in allowing ourselves to be still and silent instead of constantly seeking answers?

As teachings become more advanced, they often lead us closer to this state of profound silence. They invite us to let go of preconceptions and open ourselves up to new possibilities. The journey toward enlightenment becomes less about acquiring knowledge and more about shedding unnecessary layers until only pure awareness remains.

So perhaps instead of endlessly seeking intellectual stimulation or parroting elaborate theories, we should turn inwardly – cultivating a space within ourselves for deep reflection. This inner stillness can awaken insights that surpass any words or explanations.

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About David Bennett

A public speaker, author, energetic healer, and woodworker. Many appearances on radio and television, including The Story of God with Morgan Freeman, Dr. Oz, Angels Among Us, NBC national news, and PBS. Articles in numerous magazines, blogs, and papers.

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