A Process Of Self-Creation

A Process Of Self-Creation

Cease being a pas­sive recipient of spiritual truths and become their active creator. We all have our own unique truths to share with the world, and when we do so unselfishly, we open up the possibility for limitless self-creation. By sharing our authentic selves with others, we create opportunities for connection, growth, and transformation.

First Steps

First Steps

Let’s look at the first steps in our spiritual journey. We are used to projecting our attention out into the world, and it is a noticeable shift when we face inward. Bring conscious awareness to your balance. It is generally overlooked, a vital first step in learning about ourselves.

Breath of Change

Breath of Change

It can be easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of activity and forget to take a moment for ourselves. That’s why it’s so important to stop and take a breath every once in a while. For us to maintain and nurture balance, we need an understanding of our spiritual consciousness.