Being Natural

This week on the Contemplative Living Podcast, we delve into the concept of “Being Natural” in our spiritual practices. Instead of constantly chasing every thought that arises, try to let go and be more spontaneous. Allow yourself to align with your natural tendencies and flow. Remember, being natural does not mean ignoring everything else. Avoid trying to control your mind and simply allow yourself to slip into a state of stillness. The more you try to control your thoughts, the more they will distract you from finding inner peace. Instead, gently observe as you turn inward. Be true to yourself while avoiding attachment to specific thoughts or beliefs.

Let go be natural and spontaneous.

These simple words hold immense power when it comes to embracing our true selves and living authentically. In a world where conformity often reigns supreme, the act of letting go can be revolutionary.

Being natural is about shedding the masks we wear in our daily lives – the ones that hide our vulnerabilities and fears. It’s about giving ourselves permission to be imperfect, to make mistakes, and learn from them without judgment or self-criticism.

When we embrace our authenticity, something beautiful happens: we become free. Free from the pressure to fit into predetermined molds or live up to unrealistic standards. Instead, we allow ourselves room for growth, exploration, and self-discovery.

Spontaneity adds another layer of richness to this journey toward being natural. By relinquishing control over every aspect of our lives, we open ourselves up to new experiences, unexpected joys, and serendipitous encounters. We invite adventure into our existence as if painting on a blank canvas with vibrant colors.

Being natural doesn’t mean neglecting everything.

When we think of embracing our natural selves, it often conjures images of bare feet on untouched grass or flowing sun-kissed locks blowing in the wind. But being natural goes beyond just physical appearances. Being natural shows how to get moving.

It means nurturing our minds by seeking knowledge and intellectual growth, allowing ideas to flourish organically. It means preserving emotional well-being and acknowledging vulnerability as a strength rather than suppressing genuine emotions behind societal masks. 

Be very gently aware, turning inward to observe.

We often forget to listen to the whispers of our own souls. We are so consumed by external noise that we become disconnected from our true essence.

But what if we could find solace in this turbulent world? What if, amidst all the chaos and clamor, there exists a quiet sanctuary within us waiting to be discovered?

Turning inward is not an escape; it is an act of courage. It requires us to confront ourselves head-on – embracing both light and shadow with equal acceptance. It beckons us towards self-reflection, urging us to peel away layers of conditioning and expectations until we reveal our authentic selves.

Being gentle with this process is essential, like tenderly cradling a fragile flower bud as it unfolds into its full glory. As we embark on this journey within, let’s be kind and patient observers of our thoughts, emotions, and sensations rather than harsh judges.

Watch this episode of Contemplative Living on Youtube.

Being Natural

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About David Bennett

A public speaker, author, energetic healer, and woodworker. Many appearances on radio and television, including The Story of God with Morgan Freeman, Dr. Oz, Angels Among Us, NBC national news, and PBS. Articles in numerous magazines, blogs, and papers.

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