Make Small Shifts

In this week’s installment of the Contemplative Living Podcast, we delve into the concept of “Making Small Shifts.” We often find ourselves in pain as we observe cultures engaged in constant discord, losing sight of their common roots. Take a conscious approach to your thoughts and strive for transformation. Remember that you have the power to shape your perception of any given situation. Let go of self-righteous motivation, which only serves to further divide our world. By making small shifts and embracing a more gentle and compassionate spiritual perspective, we can enhance our practice. All moments hold equal value, and our freedom is never diminished. Each of us possesses a unique spiritual blueprint that draws us towards liberation. 

Be deliberate with your thoughts and strive to make a change.

In the vast maze of our minds, thoughts constantly ebb and flow. They shape who we are, what we believe in, and how we perceive the world around us. Yet often, these thoughts go unnoticed as they pass through our consciousness without leaving a trace.

But what if we were to stop for a moment? What if we were to take control of this ceaseless stream of ideas that floats inside us? By being deliberate with our thoughts and by consciously choosing which ones to entertain and amplify, we have the power to create profound shifts within ourselves and the world.

It is easy to get lost amidst chaos; after all, life can be overwhelming at times. However, in those moments when you find yourself struggling or feeling stuck, remember this: every great change begins with a single thought.

Close your eyes for just an instant and imagine a reality where love overpowers hate, where compassion triumphs over indifference, where unity conquers division. Those fleeting images hold immense power because they represent possibilities yet untapped – change is waiting patiently on the horizon.

Make small shifts incorporating a gentler and kinder spiritual “me” into your practice.

In a world that often encourages hustle, competition, and self-centeredness, it can be easy to lose sight of our authentic selves. But fear not! We are here to guide you towards small shifts that will transform our spiritual journey.

Imagine infusing your practice with compassion, empathy, and love for yourself and others. It’s time to let go of judgment and embrace acceptance in every aspect of your life. Start by noticing the thoughts and emotions that arise during meditation or prayer – observe them without attaching labels or criticism. Instead of striving for perfection or enlightenment overnight, allow yourself space to grow at your own pace.

Seek opportunities for random acts of kindness throughout your day. Smile genuinely at strangers on the street; lend an ear when someone needs to vent; send uplifting messages to friends just because they crossed your mind. These simple gestures cultivate connection while reminding us that spirituality is intrinsically linked with human interactions.

Also, remember, self-care is not selfish but essential for nurturing a gentle spiritual “me.” Prioritize activities that bring you joy: take long walks in nature, indulge in creativity, and create art purely for the pleasure it brings you.

There can be no more hesitation, no postponement, and no pulling back and waiting for a more opportune time.

So put your hat on. Life is calling us to summon our courage and make small shifts toward the unknown. It’s easy to fall into the trap of complacency, finding comfort in familiarity while ignoring the whispers of growth beckoning from within. But deep down, we know that true fulfillment lies beyond our comfort zones.

Making small shifts doesn’t require grand gestures or drastic alterations; it demands a willingness to embrace uncertainty and trust in ourselves. It means taking those tentative steps towards what lights us up inside – even if they seem insignificant at first glance.

These seemingly inconsequential moves have an uncanny way of creating ripples that extend far beyond what we can imagine. They awaken dormant passions, forge new connections, and open doors we never knew existed.

No longer can we afford to wait for life’s perfect timing because such a moment may never come. The world is constantly evolving, as are we. Change waits for no one; it only accompanies those who dare to step forward with unwavering conviction.

Watch this episode of Contemplative Living on Youtube.

Make Small Shifts

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About David Bennett

A public speaker, author, energetic healer, and woodworker. Many appearances on radio and television, including The Story of God with Morgan Freeman, Dr. Oz, Angels Among Us, NBC national news, and PBS. Articles in numerous magazines, blogs, and papers.

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