Becoming An Authentic Being

Becoming An Authentic Being

When we talk about authenticity, we are talking about the quality of being genuine and real. It is about being who you are without pretense or artifice. It is about being honest with yourself and others and living your life in a way that is true to your values and beliefs. 

Finding Purpose In Life

<strong>Finding Purpose In Life</strong>

Many go through life without ever really finding their purpose. It’s not something that can be found overnight. It takes time and introspection to determine what you’re genuinely passionate about and what you want to devote your life to.

Develop Communication with Spirit

Develop Communication with Spirit

I want to encourage and give some initial guidance and recommendations on developing communication with your higher self. When we meditate, we achieve two goals. We clear away the clutter of our thoughts and open ourselves up to guidance from our higher selves, our guides, and the divine.