

Creativity leads us on a path toward our own center of being. We all have within our being a creative state we can draw on to lead us to inspiration. Inspiration is a place where we hear the quiet, calm voice that is our own True Nature, communicating with Oneness.



This week’s Contemplative Living Podcast explores “Acceptance,” highlighting self-growth through embracing imperfections and the ever-changing nature of life. It encourages connecting with our higher self and the Divine to realize our limitless potential. Remember, perfection is an illusion, and acceptance empowers us, transforming weaknesses into strengths. Tune in to learn how accepting life’s ebb and flow leads to growth and resilience. Subscribe on various platforms for more insights.

New Beginnings

New Beginnings

This week’s Contemplative Living Podcast episode delves into “New Beginnings” and the power of releasing fixed perspectives to find solutions. Emphasizing mindfulness, the show encourages embracing change, seeking guidance, and stepping outside comfort zones to welcome opportunities with each breath and step toward renewal and transformation.

Make Small Shifts

Make Small Shifts

We are encouraged to create significant changes through small shifts in thought and behavior. Embracing a compassionate, gentle spiritual perspective can transform our internal world and societal interactions. This process involves deliberate thought, self-care, and kind gestures rather than dramatic actions or waiting for perfect moments. The episode suggests integrating these practices immediately for a greater sense of fulfillment. Subscribe for more insights into personal and spiritual development.

Time for seekers to receive

Time for seekers to receive

We are constantly searching for that which will bring us back to ourselves and make us alive within the present. Our longing for knowledge and discovery is unceasing. It is through stillness and relinquishment of our sense of lack that we release everything – there is nothing to be changed or controlled in such moments.