Do It Your Way

Do It Your Way

The Contemplative Living Podcast encourages embracing individuality and authenticity. Through deep reflection and contemplation, we navigate life’s decisions based on our unique perspectives, shaping our reality. It invites us to explore diverse viewpoints with curiosity rather than judgment, recognizing that no two people perceive the world in the same way. Embracing authenticity transforms tasks into opportunities for personal growth and connects us with something greater.

Adjusting To New Energies

Adjusting To New Energies

Join us for a new season of the Contemplative Living Podcast, where we delve into the concept of “Adjusting To New Energies.” Keep an open mind and maintain a positive attitude towards these fresh energies. Tune in to your senses and connect with deeper aspects of yourself. Remember, change is constant and embracing it is […]

Freedom To Be We

Freedom To Be We

The Contemplative Living Podcast discusses the concept of “Freedom to be We”, suggesting individuals should shed their roles and personas to connect authentically with others. This involves embracing our unique qualities and shared human experience, akin to facets of a diamond enhancing the beauty of the whole. Our actions and thoughts impact the interconnected web of life, reinforcing the importance of love, empathy, and compassion in a harmonious society. By embracing this truth, boundaries dissolve allowing a greater collective unity.

Finding Merry and Bright

Finding Merry and Bright

When life is experienced as Merry and Bright, it’s only natural to share and let go of our constant battle against reality. Finding merry and bright lies not in conforming or compromising but rather in honoring what makes us unique and staying true to ourselves through every twist and turn on life’s journey.